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ICF International Congregational Fellowship

The Congregational churches trace their roots to sixteenth-century England. Freethinking Christians motivated by the Reformation wanted change in their ways of worship. The Puritans wanted to “purify” the Church of England by demanding an educated clergy and the right to hire their own minister. They also believed that a church should be a simple gathering of Christians with Christ as the only head of their church created for the purpose of hearing God’s Word and governed by a covenant written by its members. 

Some of those church reformers stayed in England while others became Separatists and joined the Pilgrims on the Mayflower for their journey to New England in 1620. From those humble beginnings evangelism and mission movements caused the Congregational churches to spread from one end of the world to the other.

Since 1977 the ICF has hosted international conferences bringing together adults, youth, clergy and laity from our churches all over the world. The Congregational Way calls us to fellowship with each other. It is truly amazing what like-minded Christians can learn when we take the time to share our experiences and our faith journey. We hope you will spend some time getting to know us here on this website and, perhaps, even join us for our next Quadrennial Conference. No matter what, who or where you are, in the name of Jesus Christ you are most welcome here.